
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wacky animal report

LI: to merge two animals together to create a new wacky animal that is represented by the combined characteristics of both the individual animals. How did I do it? Using google slides Reflection:It was quick but boring and I thought I would have enjoyed it. Question for audience : What’s your favourite animals?

Nz land wars

LI: to present an animation that shows our new learning about the different perspectives of Māori and Eurpeans first encounters 250 years ago.

 How did I do it? Using google slides and found images and characters to suit before telling the story through slides.

 Reflection:It was a time consuming experience but the end result to me was worth the wait

 Question for the audience: do you like it?

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Chrome book safety

Learning pathways

WALT create a pathway for our future.

WHY? Whaea Sue gave us a template to copy and add in what we are good at and our strengths,aspirations and our goals.

HOW?With google slides editing software.

What is your goal?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

About me

I’m Asher and I live on a avocado orchard.

I’m good at using technology and I like reading. I like Tech.